IT Services

Integration and Innovation

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IT Services

System Integration

System integration is the starting point of every latest generation operating process. This is the reason why NXIT Group has chosen to adopt in-house managed systems to ensure the flexibility and ability to create all kinds of interfaces with both customers and business partners (for example: customs brokers, shipping companies and airlines).

There are many integration technologies and the solutions are studied on a case-by-case basis for the Project to be implemented; starting from basic EDI interchange on SFTP/FTP shared folder, passing through web services/API integration, JSON data flow, XML/KAFKA environments up to database sharing on border tables.

NXIT has currently more than 250 different integrations in place for a total of 500,000 data flows exchanged annually.

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Tracking & CO2 Emission

The issues of traceability and real-time monitoring of goods are increasingly central to the 4PL area. Control of the network is the basis of any transport service and an essential condition for being flexible, reactive and proactive towards customers. This is why NXIT has invested in transport monitoring technologies, connecting in real-time with air, sea, rail and land operators, as well as with its own network of partners in Italy and abroad, in order to have an always updated and detailed tracking database, ready to be made available to customers, online or through direct integration of information systems.

Along with the issue of traceability, the last few years have seen the emergence of sustainability, with a particular focus on the transport sector. Particular relevance to this topic was dedicated by the Nippon Express Tokyo Group, which has set itself the objective of substantially reducing its emissions in the coming years. Consequently, NXIT makes use of certified sector operators interfaced with its IT systems, capable of returning detailed results of the emissions relating to each individual shipment in terms of CO2 equivalent.

These data make it possible to reflect on and optimize traffics with a view to sustainability, as well as to return the pertinent emissions to the customers' information systems; customers also have the opportunity to verify the impact of their transports on corporate sustainability projects.

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KPI Reporting & BI

Each logistics and shipping service requires tools dedicated to monitoring its performance, in order to constantly improve and optimize the goods handling chain; NXIT has therefore invested in the creation of a Business Intelligence system, developed on the Microsoft Power BI platform, from which to extrapolate various indicators to make the necessary considerations, useful in the decision-making process.

The BI platform is able to return both internal and external outputs available to customers, who have the possibility of automatically receiving measurement indexes on their traffics, thus monitoring volumes handled, costs incurred, KPIs and anything else of interest. All this always through the direct integration of the systems or through personalized reports in Excel format, suitable for subsequent analyses.

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Our Internal ERP

Freight View System (FVS) represents the core IT of the NXIT Group. Developed in-house and released for the first time in June 2010, FVS has seen continuous updates in recent years to respond to the ever-increasing internal and external needs of the Group.

Installed in 7 countries and localized in 4 languages, FVS guarantees a constant exchange of information in real time between the various Group companies, sorting shipments, invoices, documents and data of interest between the parties involved.

FVS is also connected directly to the Global Tracking System to provide shipment progress and upload shipping documents. Over the years, FVS has also equipped itself with a module for managing Project Forwarding (Industrial Project).

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